Honest Bob's Maple Leaf Communications
Ready to take your order
Maple Leaf Communications
maple leaves
How can we help?
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We have tables at most of the hamfests in southern Ontario. Come check us out!


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Our sister company, Paladin RF, offers a line of high-quality duplexers and filters. Their small size, and especially their small prices, will probably surprise you but they are innovative, no-compromise, top-performing products. Check us out!


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Check out our fun page for free stuff! Calculate various antenna dimensions, determine best height above the ground, look up coaxial cable properties, check the ideal stripping dimensions for mounting various connectors, and more.


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Antenna Accessories

Zeus Lightning Surge Suppressors

Zeuss Surge SuppressorsClick for our highly-regarded line of gas-discharge surge protection devices.

Baluns, RF Chokes & UN-UNS

Voltage & current baluns from 1:1 to 6:1, coax line isolators, and more

Kit Builder Items

Insulators, element to boom mounting hardware, end caps, aluminum & fiberglass rod & tubing, clamps & bolts, and more

U-Bolts & Clamps

Stainless steel u-bolts, all-stainless hose clamps, saddle clamp assemblies, and more

Other Stuff

Dacron rope, Coax Seal, Liquid Tight & other sealants, and more

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Bulkhead Mount Weatherproof Zeus Coax Surge Suppressors


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** To be added **


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Deal Item Price
Motorola UHF Antenna (NMO) $20.00
Tap light for
unwired dark spots
50 cents
Various night lights 50 cents


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